Monday, March 28, 2011

+ 1.26: Lost in the Marshes

The night air was cool and moist. A band of crickets had launched in to an impromptu orchestra with the toads joining in shortly afterwards. Azaria felt a surge of panic at the back of her throat waiting to explode in fearful and frustrated screams. She had seen this tree before...maybe. It all looked the same in the dark.  She slipped her hands deep into her jeans pocket, trying to calm herself down.

As she trudged through the swamp in circles, mud squelching under her rain boots, she tried to find her way back to the main road. She made a mental note to politely decline any future dinner invitations from the Bayless’; and if she was absolutely compelled to attend, to bring along a map and a flashlight. Having to rough it out in the marshes at this hour was just plain ridiculous. She stopped for a moment looking for a landmark to use as a reference point. The only sounds were those of her shallow breathing and the concert being put on by the creepy crawlies of the swamp.

“I should have brought a jacket too.” She wrapped her arms tightly around her shivering body. The temperature had suddenly fallen to glacial levels and a rustle in the brambles startled her.
“Relax. You’re being paranoid. Twinbrook is the safest place.” Her voice shook with each word. Her effort to comfort herself was only proving to be futile. All she could think of was getting back home safely, relaxing with a hot bubble bath and a glass of champagne. No doubt Mila must be tearing her hair out, regretting her offer to watch the twins - again.
Azaria’s eyes caught the glint of a street lamp. Not wanting to spend another moment in this marsh she started to run toward it. She hadn’t been running for long when she felt her foot catch on something.

She prepared to fall face down among the reeds and mud and slimy water. But instead, she felt herself being picked up; propped back onto her feet by a pair of strong, familiar hands.
“Hello Azaria.”

**Uber-uber short and crappy(>_<)
Sorry guys!
But I'll try to post everyday (and with longer chapters)


  1. Your back! I was waiting for the next chapter!
    Can't wait to read more. It's getting very interesting! I hope you post more chapters.

    How are you doing with your studies btw?

  2. I have a huge premature grin!
    Nothing crappy about this! Happy to see it!

  3. Dutch!! -hugs- Yep I'm back after what seemed like forever :O
    I'm so sorry it took so long to post chapters but as you know... studies.
    It's been so hectic - been writing like almost every week plus some of the students started an illegal protest :/ never a dull moment here.

    How've you been? Good I hope? I can't wait to get back into your story - I'm so eager to see how things have developed with Alex (**,) and Sarah

  4. Qui
    I hope the next chapter puts an even bigger grin on your face :D
    But be warned - the ending may be a little disappointing.

  5. Ohhh, I hope that pair of strong arms belong to Davrin :)

    Loved this!
