Friday, July 22, 2011

+1.31: Helping Hand?

Milla sat still in her seat, a deafening silence filling the space between her and Azaria. Her daughter had lived a whole other life in Bridgeport – one that she chose to keep secret until now. Now – when there were only minutes left for her to catch a flight to who knows where. As she sat taking it all in, she succumbed to the storm of emotions brewing inside of her. She was angry, hurt, confused but at the same time relieved. For the first time in a long time she and her daughter were able to have an open conversation without lashing out at the other for being obstinate or domineering. 

There was still a barrage of questions that she wanted answers to but she decided against pursuing those answers. From Azaria’s brief responses it was clear that her daughter only wanted her to know the bare essentials. She had got a vibe that there was a bigger picture; that she was told only what she needed to know to protect her from something. It was wanting to know what that something was that was nagging her. 

“If there’s any kind of trouble you’re in...” Her voice trailed off as she swallowed the rest of her words and forced a smile.
“I’m not. We’re not in trouble.” Az assured her, placing a comforting hand on her mother’s shoulder.
“Very well then.” Milla turned around, retreating to the guest bedroom. She held up a hand showing that she didn’t want to be followed, that she had said all she wanted to and wouldn’t continue this conversation any further.

 Inside the room, the door locked, she buried her face in her hands allowing the river of tears to flow freely. She had become consumed with the fear of never seeing Az and the girls again; of never getting to know the grandson she never even knew existed; of not knowing what kind of man her daughter had fallen in love with. But at the end of it all, it was still Azaria’s life. She was an adult capable of making her own decisions and overcoming the consequences of those decisions.
 She emerged from the room moments later, clutching a bag in her hand.
“Don’t open it until you’ve made it to wherever you’re going.” She pulled Az in for a long hug and the two women broke down.
“I’ll call as soon as I can.”  

The Airport

“Mr. Sinestra?” The man strode lazily toward Davrin, his shoulders pushed back and eyes fixed on the fugitive vampire. Blaise and Troye weren’t even acknowledged as he passed by.
“You are?” Davrin asked though he knew. The crisp suit and air of importance reeked of Council. He breathed a curse word under his breath before the other vampire got close enough to see the apprehension on Davrin’s face. If it came down to a fight, he was more than willing to break out the boxing gloves. 

“Louis Roux. Twinbrook Vampire Council.” He extended his hand but Davrin ignored it.
“Have you ever flown one of these?” He titled his chin toward the large plane, a hint of fascination over its size and condition.
“What do you want?” Davrin made a step toward the man, his arms folded defensively and irritably across his chest. Roux was wasting his time.

 “I can help you, Davrin. I can throw the other Council members off your you more time to settle and prove yourself as a changed vampire.” He exposed his sharp fangs in a self-righteous smile.
“I’ve never liked the humans myself.” He paced around Davrin explaining his contempt for the other species, his many feuds with Elvira and the others who were still pushing for positive relations with the humans.
“What’s in it for you?” Davrin growled, his eyes following Roux as he circled around Davrin, trying to intimidate him.

 “When the time comes, I’ll collect.”
“You can take your deal and shove off.”
“No.” Blaise, who had locked Troye back in the car and out of earshot, intercepted.

 He pulled Davrin to the side.
“Take it.”
“I don’t need their help. They’re all in it for themselves. I can handle this.”

 “Of course you can.” Louis called out sarcastically, looking at his watch. Already the sky had grown even darker. The first stars dotted the sky and the breeze grew even colder.
“Have you thought about what you’ll tell him?” He motioned to Troye whose face was pressed curiously and anxiously to the car window.
“He’ll ask questions, grow to hate you, run away... all of those things. And you’ll lose him for good. And you’ll lose her because you couldn’t keep your little blended family together.” 

From over Louis’ shoulder he could see Azaria’s car pull up on the asphalt. Everything about her stance told him she was confused, worried over what could be happening.

Apologies for the
  • Poofy picture quality 
  • Total lack of creativity due to mental block
  • Overall dragging on of the storyline


ITB is no longer a legacy/challenge but just another drama.
I really don't think I have the stamina to carry out a 10 generation vampire legacy given the long storyline with Azaria and Davrin.

Sooo with this change comes many other changes.

1. The site is under-going a few changes such as a new design and title pic (Do excuse my shoddy picture editing skills)

2. New character pics will hopefully be up with a short description

3. I think it's time to put up a synopsis so I'll be working on that 


4. The story will be split into two parts with Part 2 being all about Troye once Part 1 is wrapped up.

New DD Thread can be found here
RWN Thread can be found here
TS3 Thread can be found here


  1. Never apologize!
    Your story is great, and no one needs a "legacy" to enjoy it! A great story must be moved along, and you did that here, while still providing intrigue and plot. There is absolutely no reason to apologize for giving us this thrilling glimpse into Darvin's world - we love it here!

  2. Agreed, no need to apologize for your work, it is excellent!

  3. Thank you :)

    I think that sometimes the story could move faster...I should probably plan out chapters.

    Truth is I love this family O_o I think I'd be really sad when this part comes to an end.

  4. Sorry it took me forever to get here. This was great, like Jill and Seaweedy said, you have nothing to apologize for. You write beautifully, writet's block or not.

    Louis is so Hot, I'm not a glasses kind of girl, but on him, they look super hot.

    I'd be skeptical too if I was Dav, sooner or later Louis will call for favors too. But then again he needs all the help he can get!
